The OpenDocument web site is not longer accepting new posts. Information on this page is preserved for legacy purposes only. For current information on ODF, please see the OASIS OpenDocument Technical Committee.

Recent changes

Mon, 12 March 2007
(diff) (hist)14:05Resourceupdated Usage Schemas to Tame ODF and OpenXML Down-Conversionscarolgeyer
Thu, 1 March 2007
(diff) (hist)19:38Newsupdated OASIS Symposium to Feature Keynote by Bob Sutorcarolgeyer
Tue, 27 February 2007
(diff) (hist)14:58Newsupdated Dell responds to demands for desktop Linuxdpharbison
Sun, 18 February 2007
(diff) (hist)19:12Blog entryupdated The case for a valid contradiction of Microsoft Office Open XML at ISO has not been rebuttedMarbux
Thu, 15 February 2007
(diff) (hist)20:43Resourceupdated SpreadOpenDocumentcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)12:42Book pageupdated Specificationcarolgeyer- Updated information regarding ODF 1.1 OASIS Standard
(diff) (hist)12:42Book pagerevised Specification
author: carolgeyer
michael.brauer- Added link to ISO/IEC 26300- Updated information regarding ODF 1.1
Wed, 14 February 2007
(diff) (hist)18:41Pageupdated Milestonesadmin
(diff) (hist)18:41Pagerevised Milestones
author: admin
(diff) (hist)18:39Newsupdated Members Approve OpenDocument Version 1.1 as OASIS Standardcarolgeyer
Tue, 13 February 2007
(diff) (hist)19:50Resourceupdated XML project mail listcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)19:49Resourceupdated ODF Overview & Introductiondpharbison
(diff) (hist)19:40Newsupdated Linux Magazine features cover story on OpenDocument carolgeyer
Mon, 12 February 2007
(diff) (hist)17:25Newsupdated French Prime Minister Recommends Adoption of OpenDocument Formatcarolgeyer
Thu, 8 February 2007
(diff) (hist)19:05Resourceupdated Banco do Brasil, a successful case on the migrationkraucermazuco
Wed, 7 February 2007
(diff) (hist)18:03Newsupdated Sun Announces OpenDocument Plug-in Application for Microsoft Officecarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)00:21Newsupdated Texas, Minnesota Eye Move to ODFcarolgeyer
Tue, 6 February 2007
(comment)19:51Newscomment Early Reviews of Microsoft Translator Not Promising
on Open XML Translator for Microsoft Word Available from carolgeyer
(comment)19:00Newscomment Texas To Consider Open Documents
on Open XML Translator for Microsoft Word Available from carolgeyer
Mon, 5 February 2007
(diff) (hist)19:42Productupdated OOo Label Templatesrossendryv
(diff) (hist)16:52Book pageupdated Assistive Technologieserwintenhumberg
(diff) (hist)16:52Book pagerevised Assistive Technologies
author: erwintenhumberg
(diff) (hist)16:52Book pagerevised Assistive Technologies
author: erwintenhumberg
(diff) (hist)16:47Book pageupdated Accessibility FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:47Book pagerevised Accessibility FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:45Book pagerevised Accessibility FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:42Book pageupdated Can OpenDocument be converted to DAISY book format?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:42Book pagerevised Can OpenDocument be converted to DAISY book format?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:41Book pagerevised Can OpenDocument be converted to DAISY book format?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:39Book pageupdated Are OpenDocument accessibility features preserved by applications that export to other file formats?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:30Book pageupdated How well do OpenDocument applications address the needs of people with disabilities?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:30Book pagemoved How well do OpenDocument applications address the needs of people with disabilities?
source: How well does OpenDocument v1.1 address the needs of people with disabilities?
(diff) (hist)16:28Book pagemoved How well does OpenDocument v1.1 address the needs of people with disabilities?
source: How well do OpenDocument applications address the needs of people with disabilities?
(diff) (hist)16:19Book pageupdated Who participated in making OpenDocument v1.1 accessible?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:19Book pagerevised Who participated in making OpenDocument v1.1 accessible?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:10Book pageupdated How was accessibility addressed in OpenDocument v1.1?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:10Book pagerevised How was accessibility addressed in OpenDocument v1.1?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:09Book pagerevised How was accessibility addressed in OpenDocument v1.1?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)14:33Book pageupdated How can implementors ensure their OpenDocument applications are fully accessible?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)13:56Book pageupdated How does OpenDocument v1.1 differ from v1.0?carolgeyer
Fri, 2 February 2007
(diff) (hist)21:35Newsupdated Paris plans to distribute 175,000 copies of OpenOffice to studentscarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)20:22Newsupdated Open XML Translator for Microsoft Word Availablecarolgeyer
Tue, 23 January 2007
(diff) (hist)15:26Newsupdated New ODF Toolkit Project announced by OpenOffice.orgerwintenhumberg
Sat, 13 January 2007
(diff) (hist)17:48Newsnew Mobile Office 1.1: OpenDocument for mobile deviceslkz633
Fri, 12 January 2007
(diff) (hist)13:35Newsupdated OpenDocument v1.1 Submitted for OASIS Standardizationcarolgeyer
Fri, 5 January 2007
(diff) (hist)23:27Productnew Mobile Office: OpenDocument for Symbian Smartphoneslkz633
(diff) (hist)16:13Book pageupdated Contact usadmin
(diff) (hist)16:13Book pagerevised Contact us
author: admin
(diff) (hist)16:12Book pageupdated Link to this sitecarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)16:12Book pagerevised Link to this sitecarolgeyer Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I