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News lets the community share announcements, press releases, and recommended news articles relevant to OpenDocument. (Educational materials that are not time-sensitive are listed at Articles and white papers.)
Corel Provides Support For ODF and OOXML In New Beta of WordPerfect® Office
Sun ODF Plugin 1.1 for Microsoft Office available now!
The newest version of our ODF Plugin for Microsoft Office is available, you can find it here. We have fixed the installation problem that occurred on some systems, and have made many improvements to the filters.
The biggest difference compared to 1.0 is that we have support for different languages now!
ODF Interop Camp - Barcelona Summary
From Peter Vandenabeele, who delivered an excellent keynote address for the first ODF Interop Camp, in Barcelona, September 20, 2007:
"ODF Camp was held parallel to the 2007 conference in Barcelona on 20 September 2007 with about 30 participants.
Interoperability of ODF documents was tested with documents generated in StarOffice/, IBM Symphony, Google Docs, KOffice, MS Office 2003 + Sun plug-in, MS Office 2003 + odf-converter and SEPT-solutions Mobile Office.
IBM's Mills Opens Up on Collaboration
IBM recently made a new version of its Lotus Symphony collaboration software available for free. Why are you taking on the challenge of gaining market share from Microsoft Office? Why is that strategically important to IBM?
New Accessibility Tools Framework (ACTF) Project at
New Accessibility Tools Framework Project at
Accessibility experts from the OASIS ODF Accessibility Sub Committee have established an approved project at to develop an 'Accessibility Tools Framework'. This new open source project will be established by a significant code contribution from IBM. For example, an accessibility evaluation tool for ODF documents will be open sourced. This follows IBM's contribution of the iAccessible2 API to the Free Standards Group, now part of the new Linux Foundation.